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Writer's pictureBarbara G. Tucker

Catching up

It seems reasonable that a website with a blog should have a post at least once in a while, and it's been over four weeks. And that is part of the problem. I do have several posts on my other blog at, my first and most prolific; also the most random, varied, and opinionated--about faith, spirituality, politics, the media, and general craziness of life.

One could argue that of all the demands on life, one more blog post doesn't seem very important. On the other hand, a variety of threads can come together to help one find a message for a blog.

Writing is hard work emotionally, intellectually, and . . . chronologically. Time wise, I mean. I tend to beat myself up about not spending time writing, and I know I am not the only one who does it. It's so often about distractions, which I think a lot about and also tend to succumb to. Too much. I read blogs, books, and listen to podcasts about it--in other words, distractions about distractions. I even recorded a podcast with our pastor about a sermon he preached about---what? being distracted as discussed in Proverbs.

As another distraction, today I started listening to a podcast with Seth Godin and started reading his blog. He is a very interesting character with a load of insights about technology, trends, communication, social media (or not--he doesn't do it), innovation, marketing, branding, and human nature in regard to those subjects.

He emphasizes one thing: do one thing well. Great advice, not practical right now, especially for a woman. "No great pizza places are full-service restaurants." They do one thing well. I get it. People are not restaurants, of course. But I get it. If you try to do too much, you won't do any of it really well. Writers today have to spend so much time on marketing that their writing can take a back seat.

I have decided not to do a newsletter or email list for that reason, and very limited social media, and to focus on face-to-face

Another issue for writers is that we have to write to have an audience. Do we write what an audience wants, or write our own message, what is our vision? Obviously the latter. The myth is that readers will come running if you write your vision. That sounds great, but really?

There's a missing element: quality. Is the product good? The best it can be?

I recommend Seth Godin's blog: If you no other reason, for something provocative to argue with, but he has strong credibility.

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1 Comment

You hit the nail on the head, Barbara! I just read your post. Good to hear I am not the only one who gets distracted by things like Seth Godin podcasts, and Barbara Tucker blogs. I know I need to write. My books are number one, but then I try to write a blog every two weeks, which distract me from my main goal. Then to write a good blog, I read other blogs and listen to podcasts about writing and staying focused on what really matters. Email, Facebook, blogs, podcasts, books, etc. All distractions? Or just a necessary part of being a writer? Please keep writing. You are good at it.

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