For more of my writing
I blog in two other places. I post here quite regularly on all manner of issues. Some of you might...
For more of my writing
Some Reflections on Writing
Memes and Such I like
So Maybe I Will Inflict Some Poetry on You
A Celebration of Poetry
Fiction: The Lie that Tells the Truth
Deep in the heart of Lent: An update and reflection
The UPS and DOWNS of Content Creation
Stupidity and Evil
Musings on Creativity
A Woman Walked into a Writer's Group
Colorful Crow Publishing: Let Me Introduce You!
Your truth, my truth, whose truth
I Met My Goal
The Chosen and Criticism: What is Wrong with You People?
Is Self-Publishing All That Bad?
What I'm Reading and Writing
Best Short Stories? Maybe
My Anthem
Probably the stupidest rejection letter I have ever received.