Hemingway Documentary
I chose to watch all three episodes, equaling about six hours, of Ken Burns latest documentary, Hemingway. First impression: I watched...
Hemingway Documentary
House of Mirth: No Mirth, All Brilliant
Bridgerton: Trashy Take on Jane Austen
The Sacred Veil
DUNE: Yes, DUNE. A must read.
Reflections on Virginia Woolf
Why to Say NO to Writers' Groups
Prodigal Son: Literature, Theology, Therapy
An Email to a Friend About Writers' Group
Empathy and Literature
Musings on Creativity
What does Dickens teach the fiction writer in 2020?
Lessons from Jane, Part II
What Jane Austen Can Teach Writers Today
An Honest Book Review
Writing in the Time of Coronavirus
"Living Water"
Secular writing, “Christian writing,” and in between